\n Thank you! Your message was sent successfully. We will get back\n to you shortly.\n
\n If you've forgotten your username or password and need further\n assistance, please fill out the form below and we'll get back to\n you as soon as possible.\n
\n\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","'use strict'; // jshint ignore:line\nimport store from '@/store';\nimport axios from 'axios';\nimport request_apirid from '@/lib/request-apirid';\nimport Model from '@/lib/model';\nimport RequestError from '@/lib/request-error';\nimport util from '@/util';\n\nclass ForgotContact extends Model {\n\n static get attributes(){\n return {\n client_name: '',\n from_email: '',\n from_name: '',\n from_number: '',\n username: '',\n client_id: '',\n message: '',\n email: '',\n phone: '',\n page: window.location.href,\n referrer: document.referrer,\n session_info: JSON.stringify( store.state.server?.config?.session || null ),\n user_agent: navigator.userAgent,\n };\n }// /static get attributes()\n\n // async submit(){\n // if( !this.username.trim() ){\n // throw new Error( `Username is empty. Please enter a valid username.`,\n // { cause: { code: 500, reason: 'no username', }, } );\n // }\n // return this.send();\n // }// /submit()\n\n async send(){\n const c_apirid = request_apirid();\n const c_search = new URLSearchParams({\n apirid: c_apirid,\n } ).toString();\n const c_data = new URLSearchParams( util.clone( this ) ).toString();\n const c_name = 'sendaccountrecoveremail2';\n const c_url = `/api/v1/${c_name}.wr?${c_search}`;\n\n try{\n const o_response = await axios({\n data: c_data,\n method: 'post',\n url: c_url,\n });\n\n const o_result = o_response.data;\n\n // The server received our request and provided us with a valid JSON\n // response. Now we check if the web1 server's response contains an error \n // message.\n if (o_result.error) {\n // The server sent us an error message. Display the message to the user.\n const c_reason = JSON.stringify( o_result.error );\n throw new RequestError( `Forgot contact error: ${o_result.error.message}`,\n { cause: { code: 500, reason: c_reason, }, } );\n }\n \n // At this point the server has provided us with the data we asked for.\n // this.assign( o_result.result );\n return o_result;\n }\n catch( err ){\n // This can happend when web1 randomly returns a \"no output\" html error.\n if( err instanceof RequestError ){\n throw err;\n }\n\n throw new Error( `${c_name} Failed: ${err.message}`,\n { cause: { code: 500, reason: err.toString(), }, } );\n }\n }// /send()\n\n\n}// /class ForgotContact()\n\nexport default ForgotContact;\n","import { render } from \"./ForgotContact.vue?vue&type=template&id=750bfb99&scoped=true\"\nimport script from \"./ForgotContact.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./ForgotContact.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport \"./ForgotContact.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=750bfb99&scoped=true&lang=css\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/home/sjohnson/project/web1-account-login/node_modules/@vue/cli-service/node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render],['__scopeId',\"data-v-750bfb99\"]])\n\nexport default __exports__","export * from \"-!../../node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js??ref--7-oneOf-1-0!../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--7-oneOf-1-1!../../node_modules/@vue/cli-service/node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist/stylePostLoader.js!../../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ref--7-oneOf-1-2!../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../../node_modules/@vue/cli-service/node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist/index.js??ref--1-1!./ForgotContact.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=750bfb99&scoped=true&lang=css\""],"sourceRoot":""}